Special Message

SAM_0193The aim of this site is to bring about a change in the way of learning English. In this age of modern technology, most of the students studying in different institutions use internet through Computer or mobile phone set. They visit different social-networking sites like face-book, or twitter. But they are hardly seen to visit any educational site like englishclub.com where students can get the opportunity to learn English and teachers can also get the opportunity to teach English. It can be said that English club .com is not their subject-related site. But this site is completely based on the syllabus of general level of Bangladesh. This site will change the mentality of the students in case of using internet. Side by side visiting social-networking sites, they will be inspired to visit this site for the purpose of learning English because this is their subject-related site. It will be helpful for the students of general levels and also for the teachers who need digital class-room materials. We all know that our present government has introduced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as compulsory subject for all groups this year. So, all teachers and students should have the idea of technology. However, to develop different skills of the learners properly trained teachers and suitable teaching materials are essential. Students will get resourceful English materials available in the site. A very important information for the students is that there is a page named blog in this site where they can write something to exercise their creativity.

However, one may find a few unintentional errors. Apart from corrections, any suggestions for updating the site will be received with thanks.

S.M. Shahidullah
Lecturer in English
Colonel (Rtd.) Oli Ahmed Bir Bikrom Degree College
Satkania, Chittagong