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English 2nd Paper

English 2nd Paper Board Previous Questions:



Part A- Grammar (Marks-40)

1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense.

Use the negatives where necessary:-                                                                            1×5=5


Occur increase punish keep clean bring obey

Most often traffic problem (a) ———-  in the  congested areas where the roads are very narrow. In proportion to our population roads (b) ———-. There are many unlicensed vehicles which should (c) ———-under control. The drivers are not willing to (d)———– the traffic rules. Irresponsible drivers (e) ———-strictly.

2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:-        1×5=5

Dear Bina,

I am very glad to receive your letter (a)—— time. You have stood first (b)———-the examination. I would like to offer congratulations (c) ——–— your grand success. We are really proud (d)———you. I hope you will do better (e) ———– your future examinations. With best wishes Your elder brother Nasim.

3.Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not needed:           1×5=5  

Tea is a drink. It is also (a) ———– refreshing drink. The preparation of tea is a long but (b) ———-interesting process, (c) ———-water is first boiled in (d)——-— kettle and (e)———-desired quantity of (f) ———- tea dust is put in it. After (g)———–   few minutes (h) ———– boilled  leaves are separated (i) ———– liquor. Then the liquor is poured into (j) ———–cup and some milk and sugar are mixed with it.

4. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five):- 1×5=5

On the contrary; an open secret; in the mean time; in the event of; as soon as; in front of; as though.

5. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech. 1×5=5

“Oh, my Lord, please do not kill the child,” said the woman. “Let her have him” the king said. “Now everything is clear to me.” pointing to the woman, he said to the servant, “Give her the child. She is the mother of the baby.

6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed:-   1×5=5

(a) Anika wrote a letter to her mother yesterday. (passive) (b) She told her mother to send Tk. 1000 to buy some books, (complex) (c) In the letter, she told her that she should not worry about her studies. (simple) (d) Her mother often writes to her, (interrogative) (e) She feels, that her mother is better than ail other mothers in the world. (superlative)

 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions;-                                                                    1×5=5

(a) Everybody is liable to error, ———–?

(b) Very few students are devoted to studies, ———-?

(c) Please, don’t waste your time———–?

(d) Let us go out for a walk,———-?

(e) Fire burns, ———–?

8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5

(a) United we stand, ————-.

(b) Rupa talks as if————.

(c) Since the body and mind go together,——–

(d) Zinia is so tired ————.

(e) As I had forgotten her, ———.

Part-B : Composition (Marks 60)

9. Suppose, you are Abir Hasan, a reporter of a reputed daily. Recently you have visited a book fair in Dhaka. Now, write a report on it.                                                                10

10. Write a short composition on any one of the following.                                              15

(a) The Natural Beauties of Bangladesh

(b) Population Problem in Bangladesh

11. Write an application to the Upazila Chairman for the repairment of the roads in your locality. 10

12. Write a dialogue between two friends on Environmental Pollution.                           10

Or, Write a summary of the following passage.

Sincerity is the root of success of all work. One can go a long way if one does anything with sincerity. The rich are sincere to their work and they are capable of making anything a success. The great men are also sincere because they know that sincerity is the key to success. Those who do not follow the rules of sincerity can never go a long way in the world. Sincerity is the secret of any work because it helps the work to be done properly. If any work is not done properly, one will never get good output from it. So we should be sincere in every walk of life.

13. Complete the following story with the cue.                                                             15      

Once there was a selfish giant who had a large and beautiful garden. The garden was full of soft green grass. Here and there all over the grass stood many colorful flowers like stars. The garden was a nice playground for the beautiful children———–



Part A- Grammar (Marks-40)

(Answer any eight questions out of nine)

1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary:-                                                                              1×5=5

Run be Reach suffer live hamper Go

The people (a) ____ in the big cities and towns greatly (b) ____from traffic jam. Their office  activities (c) ____. They (d) ____ their working places in time. Several factors (e)____ responsible for this severe and chronic problem.


2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:- 1×5=5

Rana is a good boy. He is conscious (a) ______ his studies. He is not indifferent (b)______ his duties. He is also respectful (c) ______his teachers. He is popular (d)______his friends (e)______his good behaviour.

3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not needed:-

.5 xl0=5

(a) ———– 16th December is (b) ———-red letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day, we achieved (c) ———- freedom at the cost of (d) ———- bloody battle and Bangladesh came into (e)———-being and made a place in (f)———-world map as (g) ———- independent country. Every year this day is celebrated in (h) ———- enthusiastic atmosphere. We remember (i) ———-great sacrifice of our heroic sons who died for this country. We also pay (j)———-great tribute to them.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking word from the list.   1×5=5

 who while or That when because  Though

(a) ———-taking food, we should bear in mind (b) ———-we do not eat just to satisfy hunger (c)———-to fill the belly. We eat to preserve our health. Some people (d) —— live in the midst of plenty, do not eat the food they need for good health (e)— they have no knowledge of the science of health and nutrition.

5. Make meaningful sentences with the following phrases and idioms, (any five)     1×5=5

Beggar description, a dark horse, far and wide, well off, on the sly, skim through, in not time

6. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech. 5

The traveller said to the peasant, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” The peasant said, “Yes, I can. Do you want one in which you can spend the night?” The traveller said. I do not wish to stay there, but I only want a meal.”

7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets:- 1×5=5

(a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar. (Make it interrogative) (b) I gladly accepted the invitation. (Make it passive) (c) When 1 reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Make it compound) (d) I was very glad to see the sea-beach. (Make it exclamatory) (e) It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life. (Make it positive)

8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions:- 1×5=5

(a) Trees are our best friends,———?

(b) We should plant more trees, ———-?

(c) Nobody phoned me that day,———-?

(d) The spot is quite far from here, ———-?

(e) Let us go out for a walk, ———?

9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5

(a) As the poor man was hungry——-

(b) The weather was so cold that———-.

(c) Hasib behaves as if———-.

(d) It is high time we———-.

(e) A patriot is respected because———-.

Part-B : Composition (Marks 60)

10. Write a paragraph on “Your College Library” by answering the questions below. 10

(a) What do you mean by a college library? (b) Where is it housed? (c) What is the necessity of a college library? (d) What kinds of books are found in a college library? (e) What is your feeling about your college library?

11. Write a short composition on You Childhood Memories Or, A Journey by Train you

have recently enjoyed.                                                                                                           15

12. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him/her for permission to set up an “English Debating Club” at your college.                                  10

13. Write a dialogue between two friends on the choice of career.                                   10

14. Complete the following story with the cue.                                                                  15

Once there lived a good king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He loved his country and his subjects very dearly. His subjects had great love and respect for him. One day his enemies attacked his country and drove him away from his kingdom—–



Part A- Grammar (Marks-40)

(Answer any eight questions out of nine)

1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary:-                                                                            1×5=5

Can do change eat diversify catch Sell

To alleviate poverty, the first step (a) ———-be diversification of the economy. This may be (b)———-on two fronts. First because ours is an agro-based economy. It is imperative to (c) ——-our agricultural output. At the same time, we have to (d)———-our habits. Rice is our staple food, but side by side with rice, we have to develop the habit of (e)——-potatoes and wheat to reduce the excessive pressure on rice.

2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:- 1×5=5

My dear Father,

My best regards to you and mother. I know you are worried (a)———— me and want to know how I am passing my life here. I feel quite (b) ———- home. Our hostel manager takes care (c)———us. I can pass my time happily and pay concentration (d) ——–studies. I have become accustomed (e) ———-my new hostel life.

3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not needed:-


Once upon (a) ———-time there was (b) ——— king. His palace was surrounded by (c) ————–beautiful gardens. One day he fell ill. He called in (d)———— doctor. But (e) ———–doctor could not say what wrong was with him. More (f)——— doctors were called. Finally they said that (g)———-king could be healed if he wore (h) ———– shirt of (i) ———– happy man. (j)———-messengers were sent everywhere, but no happy man could be found.

4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate linking word from the list below.                 1×5=5


so That if as if that as although  in order to

Most of our students can not write their examination paper fairly well, (a)———-they cannot understand the questions properly, they often beat about the bush and cram their answer with irrelevant arid unnecessary details, (b) ———-their teachers suggest (c)———-their answers should be brief and precise, they often lengthen these unnecessarily, (d) ———- get expected marks, you all should understand the questions well and answer them to the point. Don’t worry (e)———-your answers are fairly short.

5. Make the meaningful sentences with the following idioms and phrases, (any five) 1×5=5

Win over; Let the cat out of bag; On the sly, An irony of fate, Give vent to. In a nut-shell, Of one’s own accord.

6. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech. 5

“Have you heard the name of Aesop?” asked the teacher. “No. sir, who was he?” “Read the lesson attentively and then you will be able to know about him. How interesting and instructive his fables are!” said the teacher.

7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in

brackets:- 1×5=5

Once there was a small village where Ayesha Begum lived with her husband. (a) As her husband had no land, he used to work on other people’s land. (compound) (b) With great effort they married their two daughters off when they reached teenage, (simple) (c) Her only son went to town for earning his livelihood, (complex) When Ayesha Begum and her husband became hungry, there was nobody to feed. (d) Years of malnutrition and depravation made them look older. (passive) One day, she started begging in the village to feed her old and invalid husband, (e) Very few women were as needy as Ayesha Begum, (superlative).


8. Form tag questions for the following:- 1×5=5

(a) What a pity,————?

(b) None of yon went there,———?

(c) Let us have a discussion,——– ?

(d) Our college won the match, ———-?

(e) He does not take sugar in tea, ——–?

9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5-5

(a) The weather is so cold that———.

(b) He was strong enough———.

(c) He came here with a view to—–

(d) Hasib behaves as if———-.

(e) You had better————-.

Part B : Composition (Marks 60)

10. Write a paragraph on “A Baishakhi Mela” by answering the questions below.        10

(a) Have you ever gone to a Baishakhi Mela? (b) Where was it arranged? (c) With whom did

you go there? (d) What did you see there? (e) What was your feeling?

11. Write a short composition on ‘Uses and Abuses of Wonders of Science’.                  15

12. Write a dialogue between two Mends on the choice of career.                                    10

13. Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to set up an English Speaking Club.                                                                                                         10

14. Complete the story following the cue.                                                                             15

Sheikh Saadi was a great poet. He used to put on simple dress. Once, he took shelter in the house of a nobleman. The nobleman could not recognize him and treated him as an ordinary man——–



Part A- Grammar (Marks-40)

1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary:- 1×5=5

command help memories prepare develop have  

Most of the students of our country are experts in (a)————answers. They don’t prepare notes themselves. They get them (b)————by their tutors. Their tutors exercise their brain for the students. So, the thinking power of the students (c) ————. They, do not have any (d)————over the language. They of course, do well in the examination. But for this they can claim no credit of their own. This result (e) ———— them in their later life.

2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:- 1×5=5

21st February is red letter day (a) ———-the history of Bangladesh, (b) ———-this day in 1952 about halt a dozen young state sacrificed their lives (c) ———-making Bangla on of the state languages (d) ———Pakistan. But the blood spilt is not in vain. In 1956 the first Constitution (e)———- Pakistan recognized this demand.


3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not needed:-


Long long ago (a) ——— mirror was found in (b) ———paddy field by (c)———-old farmer. Neither this farmer nor anybody else in (d) ——— area had ever seen a mirror. So, when (e) ———-farmer looked into (f) ——— mirror, he was surprised to see (g)  —— man looking straight at him. Now, (h) ——— farmer closely (i) ———-resembled his father who had died many years ago. He thought that it was his father (j) ——— inside it and saluted him with love and respect.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list:- 1×5=5

Too when for this naturally because of and But

Global warming is increasing day by day (a) ———— deforestation. We cut down trees (b) ———never think of planting more trees, (c) ——– man and other living beings are in the threat of extinction. Time is coming (d) ——there will be no tree left for us. (e)———-we have to face bitter consequences of deforestation.

5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five):- 1×5=5

Good for nothing; end in smoke; bad blood: hard and fast; get rid of; catch sight of; make

up one’s mind,

6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech:- 1×5=5

“Follow my example,” she said as we shook hands, “and never eat more then one thing for luncheon.” ‘I’ll do better than that,” I retorted “I’ll eat nothing for dinner for tonight.” “Humourist, quite a humourist!’ she cried gaily, jumping into a cab.

7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed, 1×5=5

Anger is nothing but a vice, (a) It begets only the worst, (negative) (b)Anger is one of the most inhuman vices, (positive) (c) So, we should control it for our own sake. (passive) (d) He who is taken by anger causes a lot of troubles, (simple) (e) Realising it we should try to be emotionally balanced, (complex)

8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions:- 1×5=5

(a) Every one would do so,————?

(b) You need not do this,——-?

(c) There is a little water in this pond,—————-?

(d) You is a pronoun,———?

(e) A man like you should not do this,——-   ?

9. Complete the following sentence:- 1×5=5

(a) A college is a seat of learning, so————

(b) It should be a peaceful place where———–.

(c) But now a days peaceful atmosphere is absent from the college because——-

(d) The students who—————.

(e) The sooner it can be controlled, the—————–

Part B- Composition (Marks- 60)

10.Suppose, yon are a reporter of a reputed Daily. Now write a report on the rising prices of the essential commodities.                                                                                   10

11. Write a short composition on the blessings of science.                                              15

12. Write an application to the Principal of your college for an English newspaper for the college common room.                                                                                                  10

13. Write a dialogue between two friends about the ways of keeping good health.        10

14. Complete the following story using the cue:-                                                              15

There was a shepherd boy. He used to graze a block of sheep near a forest. It was not far from his village. One day he wanted to make a fun———–





Part A- Grammar (Marks-40)

1.Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense

Use the negatives where necessary:-___1x5-5

work invent discover come take give bring

Computer has (a)————about a revolutionary change in the world. But it (b) ———overnight. It (c) ————a long time to invent computer. Many votaries of science (d)———  hard for years and finally (e) ————out successful.

2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:- 1×5=5

Mr. M. R. Khan applied (a) ———– the post of a lecturer. Being pleased (b) ———-his performance, the authority appointed him (c) ———-the post. Actually he had authority (d)———-English. Moreover, he had a great zest (e)—– music.

3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not needed:-


Socrates believed that (a) ——-angry man was more of (b)———-beast than human being. He had a wife who used to lose her temper on (c) ———-slightest excuse. One day (d) ———-woman got more furious and began to insult him. He went out and sat on the door step of his (e) ———house. He looked out on the public (f)——- street. The wife found that he was paying (g) ——— least heed to her. So she began to pour hot water on (h) ——-head of Socrates. The passers-by were very amused at (i) ———– incident. They had seen such (j) ——- incident before.

4. Re-write the following in the reported speech:- 5

“You’re cut off your hair?” asked Jim. “Cut it off and sold it,” said Delia. “Don’t you like me just as well, any how? I’m me, without my hair, amn’t I?”

5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five):- 1×5=5

Skim through, An irony of fate, The lion’s share. Bed of thorns, Hard nut to crack, Scape goat, Learn by heart.

6. Read the following passage and transform the sentences as directed:- 1×5=5

(a) Cox’s Bazar sea-beach is the largest sea-beach in the world, (complex) (b) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world, (positive) (c) It is called pleasure seekers’ paradise, (active) (d) The visitors go there to enjoy natural beauties, (compound) (e) Those who become tired may go to relax there, (simple)

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words:- 1×5=5

Honesty is a noble virtue. The man (a)———-possesses this rare quality is the happiest person in the world. To be honest, man should have trust worthiness (b) ———-nobody trusts a liar, (c)———-Allah helps the honest people, (d) ———- children should be taught honesty from the very beginning of life, (e) ………. children should be developed among the honest people.

8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions:- 1×5=5

(a) I’d meet you ———-?

(b) There are many problems in our college———-?

(c) It is impossible———-?

(d) You cannot be sure———?

(e) Their performance shows it———-?

9. Complete the following sentences:- 1×5=5

(a) I wish ———.

(b) He works hard so that———-.

(c) There is hardly any person———-.

(d) Man is born free but———-.

(e) It is our sacred duty——-.


Part B- Composition (Marks- 60)

l0. Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on the prize giving ceremony of Dhaka College.                                                                                                                             10

11. Write a short composition on any one of the following:-                                                        15

(a) Childhood Memories; (b) Female Education; (b) The value of time.

12. Write a dialogue between yourself and your friend about “Eve-teasing”.                   10

13.Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to change one of your elective subjects.                                                                                                                                           10

14. Complete the following story using the cue:-                                                                                  15

Shaikh Sadi was a great poet. He used to put on simple dress. Once he took shelter in the house of a nobleman. The nobleman could not recognize him and treated him as an ordinary man ——-




Part A- Grammar (Marks-40)

1.Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense.

Use the negatives where necessary:- 1×5=5

value indulge try think encourage be do evaluate

Many of us often (a)———–in an undesirable act which is finding faults with others. But we (b) ———– to find out our own faults. It is difficult for one (c)———- one’s short­comings because most often man (d) ———- himself to be in no way meaner, less intelligent, less experienced. Only those who are great of heart (e) ———-themselves on their own.

2. Read the/following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:- 1×5-5

Everyone desires (a) ———wealth. But very few can attain it. Some people hanker (b) ———riches. Some are content (c) ———what they have. True happiness lies (d) ———- contentment. It is high time we gave (e)———-the habit of covetousness.

3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not needed:-


Childhood or boyhood is (a) ———-man’s formative period. During this period (b) ——– child receives training from its mother, (c) ———-mother’s tender heart always looks to (d) ———-welfare and well-being of (e) ———child. If during this period (f) ———  mother tries to bring (g) ———–child up carefully and according to her (h)———-best ideas, (i) ——child is sure to grow with its superiors, parents and teachers and love (j) ——— all irrespective of cast creed and colour.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list:- 1×5=5

as in spite of rnoreover in short both if until though

Mr. Joy is always sparing in use of money (a)———-he earns a lot of money. He seldom buys new cloths, (b) ———-, he bargains with the shopkeepers to save money, (c)———- having many friends and relatives, he always tries to avoid entertaining them, (d)———-he and his wife put on shabby dresses, (e)———-, he has a strange personality.

5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five):- 1×5=5

Drop out; look down upon; on the instant: beggar description; black and blue; rainy day; cut off.

6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech:- 5

“You look a little bit like my mother,” he said, “especially in the dark by the fire.” “But you were only four, Jerry, when you came here.” the writer said. “My mother lives in Mannville.”

7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions:- 1×5=5

(a) Everybody loves flowers, ———–?

(b) Today flowers are used on different occasions, ———-?

(c) We need flowers to greet our honourable guests,———?

(d) Now many people cultivate flowers,———-?

(e) This will better the living condition of the poor flower sellers, ————?

8. Complete the following sentences:- 1×5-5

(a) He hurried to the station lest,———-.

(b) People are advised to take oral-saline since ———–.

(c) Where there is a will ———-.

(d) The weather was so unbearable that ———-.

(ej When the final hour of departure came, ———–.

9. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5

There are two ways of developing competence in a language acquiring-the language or learning it. (a) Acquiring a language is more successful than learning, (Make it positive) (b) Teachers encourage the learners of a second language to practice the language. (Make it passive), (c) Students who wish to acquire proficiency in language should practice, the language. (Make it smile) (d) Communicative competence can be achieved in a short-time. (Make it interrogative without changing meaning), (e) A language learner must shake off reticence and he is sure to succeed in his effort. (Make it complex)

Part B- Composition (Marks- 60)

10. Think, you are the local correspondent of national daily newspaper. You have visited the spot of an accident that took place on Dhaka-Barisal highway. Now write a report for newspaper.                                                                                                                                10

11. Write a short composition on any one of the following:-                                         1×15=15

(a) Wonders of Modern Science.

(b) Your First Day at College.

12. Write an letter co the Mayor of your town asking him to provide street-lights in your locality. 10

Or, Write letter to your father telling him about your aim in life.

13. Complete the following story using the cue:- 15

Once upon a time there lived a tortoise and a hare in a forest. The hare now and then teased the tortoise for its slow pace. One day————-

14. Write a dialogue between friends about their preparation for the coming examination.





Part A- Grammar (Marks-40)

(Answer any eight questions out of nine)

1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary:- 1×5-5

ensure  refer buy mean call satisfy feel

Money (a) ——- happiness. Happiness is absolutely a psychological thing. It (b)——-; -the contentment of the mind. He who (c)———-with what he gets and is content life (d) ———-a happy man. It is only moral and spiritual development which (e) ———happiness in our life.

2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions:-

Every year millions of people all (a) ——- the world die as a result (b) — pollution. These unfortunate deaths are brought (c) ———- by four specific factors. There are air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and odour pollution We should take determined action to control these problems and clean (d) ———- the environment. Moreover, we have to raise awareness (e)———-the people.

3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not needed: .5×10=5

Today women are playing (a) ——- important role in all spheres of (b) ——- life. They are no longer confined within (c)———– four walls of the kitchens. They have come out of their cocoons and are working hand in hand with (d)———-men. They are joining (e) ———– wide range of professions and making a great (f)———– contribution to the economy. Now it has come to (g)——realisation of all that it is not possible to develop the country keeping women, (h) —– large section of (i) —– population, in (j)——-dark.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the box. 1×5=5

for example though but as well as So however because

Men usually want to have their own way. No one, (a) ——- , can have his own way all the time. He has to consider the interest of others (b) ——- his own interests. He is free to take his own decisions, (c) ———– these decisions must not be unjust or harmful for others, (d) ———–, he must be very careful while driving (e) ———- there are other vehicles and pedestrians on the road.

5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms and phrases (any five);-     1×5=5

For the sake of, Make up one’s mind, Of one’s own accord, Beyond doubt, Look after, Leave no stone unturned, Take place

6. Re-write the following in the reported speech. 5

“Why are you putting the foods in your pocket, Sir?” Why don’t you eat?” asked the nobleman. “I’m doing the right thing. My dress deserves these rich dishes,” replied Sheikh Saadi. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand what you mean to say,” said the nobleman.

7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed:-1×5=5

(a) E-mail is a computer-based messaging system. (complex) It is a speedy mode of communication, (b) It eliminates the time spent in establishing phone calls. (interrogative) (c) It is cheaper than telephone calls. (positive) It permits communication between two parties without the parties actually being present simultaneously. (d) It takes only a few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another. (negative) It has, however, not reached everyone, especially in developing countries like ours. (e) But even here people use commercially  operated e-mail facilities for important purposes. (passive)

8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate tag questions:- 1×5=5

(a) Telling lies is a great sin, ————-?

(b) One lie begets hundred lies, ———–?

(c) None believes a liar,————-?

(d) He has to lead a miserable life,—————?

(e) So all of us ought to refrain from telling lies,——–?

8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5

(a) We want that ———.

(b) Man dies but————-.

(c) People work with a view to————-.

(d) I wish————-.

(e) A patriot is person whom————-.

Part-B : Composition (Marks 60)

10. Suppose, you are a reporter of a renowned newspaper. Write a report for your newspaper on “Deforestation and its devastating consequences.”                                         10

11. Write a short composition on any one of the following.                                                     15

(a) Internet (b) Childhood Memories (c) A Journey by Train

12. Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to stage a drama in the college auditorium.                                                                                              10

13. Write a dialogue between two HSC candidates about their preparation for the final examination. 10

14. Complete the following story using the cue given below.                                                   15

 Long ago there lived a hare in a forest. A tortoise also lived nearby. The hare was proud of his speed. He always teased the tortoise. One day————



Part A- Grammar (Marks-40)

(Answer any eight questions out of nine)


1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary:-                                                                                                                      1×5=5

irritate belong offend Use take addict find

People (a) ———– to smoking find it difficult to give up this fatal habit. Many of them suffer from various incurable diseases including cancer which (b) ———– a heavy toll of lives every year. An effective cure for this deadly disease has not been (c) ———– out yet. In addition, smoking (d)———– eyes and (e)———-the nose.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:-                                                                                  1×5=5

We are to be content (a) ———–what we have. We should bear in mind that money is the

root (b) ———-all evils. But this does not mean that we can live (c) ———-money. We

should maintain dignity and honesty (d) ———- earning money. Money (e) ———- any

cost should not be our target.

3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not needed:-


(a) ———- ant is (b)———- industrious insect. Bees are also (c) —– industrious insects. If we observe the life of (d)———-successful man, we will find that he is also (e) ———-industrious, (f)———-industrious are appreciated by all. On the other hand, (g) —–idle are disliked by all. So, industry is (h) ———-must to prosper in (i) ———- life. We all know that industry is the key to success and laziness leads us to (j)———-misfortune.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list.      1×5=5


unless shortly in this regard hardly even which like

Illiteracy is a curse. It is the root cause of ignorance (a)——–—frustrates all development efforts of the government and the community. No development effort can succeed (b)——–  illiteracy can be removed. Eradication of illiteracy, in a country (c) ———-Bangladesh with so vast a population is undoubtedly a mammoth task. Any individual, community or organization (d) ————— the government is not capable of solving this tremendous problem single-handed. It is the social responsibility of all the educated people, men and women to make some all out efforts to remove illiteracy from the society. The Government of Bangladesh has already undertaken some effective programmes (e) ———–.

5. Re-write the following in the reported speech. 5

“Will you buy my hair?” asked Delia. “I buy hair,” said Madame. “Take your hat off and let’s have a sight at the looks of it.” “Twenty dollars,” said Madame. “Give it to me quick,” said Della.


6.Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5

Frugality is a good habit. (a) A man who is frugal does not like to spend money without reasons. (simple) (b) The target of a frugal man is to save money for future, (complex) (c) Every one should practise frugality to make a well-planned family. (passive) (d) Since a frugal man saves money, he can spend it in time of crisis. (compound) (e) A frugal man is happier than a prodigal man. (positive)

7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions:-                                                                                                     1×5=5

(a) Rana as well as his friends enjoyed the film,—          ?

(b) Let me be alone, ___?

(c) We ought not to do this, __?

(d) Everyone welcome us,___   ?

(e) I have the right to get your help,       —?

8. Complete the following sentences.                                                                                                            1×5=5

(a) Since Bangladesh is a disaster-prone country________

(b) Though Bangladesh is a small country, she is burdened ________

(c) Women who comprise half of our population________

(d) Moreover, our country is beset        ________

(e) We all should come forward with a view to________


9. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms and phrases (any five):- 1×5=5
A bone of contention, A bed of roses, End in smoke. Catch sight of, Commit something to
memory, Put up with, Black and blue

Part-B : Composition (Marks 60)

10. The prices of essential commodities have gone beyond he reach of the poor people, Now write a report on it.                                                                                                                                                    10

11. Write a short composition on the wonders of modern science.                                  15

12. Make a dialogue between yon and your friend on the abuses of mobile phone particularly by the teenagers in the recent times.                                                                10

13. Write an application to the Principal of your college to allot you a seat in the college hostel.                                                                                                                                                      10

14. Complete the story with the following clue.                                                                                    15

There was a shepherd boy. He used to graze a flock of sheep near a forest. It was not far from his village. One day, he wanted to make fun of ……………….