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English 1st Paper


English Progressing Academy,Chandgaon

Directed by: S.M.SHAHIDULLAH, Cell: 01819-646039

Final Model Test of H.S.C.2011

Sub: English 1st Paper

Time:3 hours                                                            Full Marks: 100

Seen Comprehension: 40 Marks

 Read the passage below and answer the questions (1-4)

Communicative competence refers to the ability to use language appropriately in different circumstances. There are two ways of developing communicative competence in a language. The first is acquisition which is similar to the way people develop ability in their mother tongue. It is natural, subconscious process in which users are not only aware of acquiring a language. They are aware only of the fact that they are using the language to communicate. In non technical terms, acquisition is picking up a language spontaneously. It may be called implicit learning.

On the other hand, the second way of developing communicative competence in a language is learning that language. It refers to conscious knowledge of a language, knowing the rules language use, being aware of using them and being able to talk about them. In non technical terms, learning is to know consciously about a language. It may be described as explicit learning.

Language specialists believe that acquiring a language is more successful and longer lasting than learning. Therefore, teachers of these days encourage learners of a second language to practice and experience in different situations where they are involved in communicating with others.

  1. 1.      Choose the right word to complete each sentence   5

a)      Communicative competence can be learned/ earned/ developed in two ways.

b)      People acquire/ require/ prepare their mother language naturally.

c)      Communicative competence implies the quality/agility/capability of using the language confidently.

d)     Acquisition is picking up a language deliberately/instinctively/skillfully.

e)      Knowing a language by rules lasts longer/shorter/wider than acquisition of language.

  1. 2.      True/False? If false, give the correct information.   5

a)      We develop communicative competence in our mother tongue through a painstaking process

b)      Explicit learning is a subconscious process.

c)      Learning a language is more effective than acquiring it.

d)     We need to follow the major skills to learn a language.

e)      People learn a second language unconsciously.

  1. 3.      Fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs in brakets.Add any preposition if necessary.   5

a)      There is an element of (spontaneous) ———- the acquisition of a language.

b)      Acquiring a language (believe) ———– to have a lasting effect.

c)      To be (competence) ———— a language, one has to use it in different situations.

d)     The users must have the (aware) ——— the language they use.

e)      It is the (believe) ——– the language specialists that learning a foreign language is really difficult.

  1. Write five points about learning a language.                            5

Read the passage below and answer the questions (4-5)

UNICEF stood originally for the United Nations International Children Emergency Found. But it is now the United Nations Children’s Found which gives long term help to children of developing nations. It runs several welfare projects in Bangladesh. It has established numerous maternity and baby care centers around the country to ensure babies and child bearing mothers. It has organized training programmes to create rural health workers. Through awareness raising activities about health and nutrition, this organization has been able to reduce infant morality rates in Bangladesh. Besides, in times of disasters like cyclones, flood, and famine, it undertakes humanitarian work to help the affected people. To facilitate education, UNICEF distributes reading and writing materials among students, trains teachers and promotes primary education particularly among girls. It also assists a variety of rehabilitation programmes in Bangladesh.

  1. Write short answers to following questions.                           5

a)      What does UNICEF stand for at present?

b)      What does UNICEF do for promoting education?

c)      What does UNICEF do for promoting medical facilities?

d)     How has infant mortality rate been controlled?

e)      What does UNICEF do for children’s health?


6.Fill in the gaps with suitable words.                                         5

UNICEF works ——- the world especially in the developing countries. Its objective is to ——

help the children ——– proper education and ——– facilities. It has ——– successful in reducing infant mortality rate. This organization is also ——– in Bangladesh.

7. Summarize passage in five sentences.                                   5

  1. 8.      Show the role of  UNICEF in Bangladesh in following flow chart.           5
 1 2 3 4 5

Vocabulary(20 Marks)

9.Fill in the gap with suitable word from the box (Make any grammatical change if necessary).  10

accelerate gain disastrous isolate exist explore add
revolutionary globe successfully come noble communication former

We have got many positive things during the last century. We have a) ——- tremendous advancement in the field of science. For example, man has b) ——- landed on the moon. He is going to c) —— other planets. We have achieved d) ——- success in the field of information technology. Now we can e) —— to any part of the world in a second. The world has become a f) —— village. No nation is g) —— from other countries. One country h) —— to help other countries during the time of i) ——. Science has certainly j) —— the process of globalization.

  1. 10.  Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.                    10

Most of our students can’t a) —— out their examination papers fairly well. As they can’t understand the questions b) ——-, they often beat c) —- the bush and d) —– the answers unsuccessfully. Sometimes they fail to e) —— answers, f) —– . The teachers g) —– that the answers should be h) —— and precise but they don’t pay heed to them. They have a i) —– notion that the more the write the j) —– will be their marks.

Guided writing (40 Marks)

  1. 11.  Make sensible sentences from the following table.   12
a) All of you raised the greatest man and fearful
b) He have heard to conquer to a high position
c) His good work and courage remained the name of in the country
d) His mission became him Napoleon
e) He was the France Army the neighboring countries
f) France under him entered very powerful as an ordinary solders

12.The sentences in following text are jumbled. Rewrite the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.                                                                     14

i) It was clever as well.

ii) They could not decide how to share it.

iii) The monkey was in trouble.

iv) There was a dispute between two rates about a loaf of bread.

v) The rates went to the monkey to their dispute.

vi) The monkey divided the bread unequally every time.

vii) The rates disputed again and again.

viii) The rates could not understand the tricks of monkey.

ix) The bread got smaller.

x) The dispute went on.

xi) The monkey went on eating uneven part of the bread.

xii) The rates went away.

xiii) The dispute remained unsettled.

xiv) At long last the whole bread was eaten up by the monkey.

13.Write a paragraph on necessity of sports by answering the following questions. You must give a title to your paragraph. 14

a) Why are sports necessary?

b) What types of sports are very popular?

c) Do sports help us anyhow

d) Do you take part in sports?

e) What is your favorite sport?